Bagian 1:

Nama Sekolah        : SMA Negeri 1 Surakarta
Mata Pelajaran        : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester       : XI/1
Keterampilan Bhs   : Membaca (Reading)
Genre                      : Analytical Exposition
Tema/Topik            : Traffic Jam in Big Cities
Pertemuan ke-        : 5
Alokasi Waktu       : 2 x 45 menit (1 pertemuan)

I.  Standar Kompetensi

Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei berbentuk report, narrative dan analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan

II. Kompetensi Dasar
Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk: report, narrative, dan analytical exposition

III. Indikator
Setelah menyelesaikan pelajaran membaca jenis teks analytical expositionini, peserta didik diharapkan mampu:
  1. menunjukkan gagasan utama (main idea) teks eksposisi;
  2. menjelaskan tujuan teks eksposisi;
  3. menyebutkan informasi rinci dalam teks, baik yang tersirat maupun tersurat;
  4. menjelaskan makna kata atau ungkapan tertentu dalam teks eksposisi;
  5. menjelaskan rujukan (reference) yang ada dalam teks eksposisi.

IV. Materi Ajar
Terlampir (lampiran 1)

V. Metode Pembelajaran
Inquiry-Based Teaching (IBT)

VI. Prosedur Pembelajaran
1. Memberi salam
2. Berdoa
3. Mengecek kehadiran siswa
4. Mereview palajaran sebelumnya
5. Mengetengahkan topik pelajaran
6. Menjelaskan tujuan pelajaran
7. Menjelaskan manfaat pelajaran

B.Kegiatan Inti
Kegiatan Guru
Kegiatan Siswa

1. Menunjukkan gambar (atau video) tentang ke- macetan lalu lintas di kota besar dan menga- jukan beberapa pertanya- an, seperti What picture is it? What do you see in the picture? What is in your mind when you see the picture?
2. Menyampaikan kepada siswa bahwa mereka akan membaca sebuah teks dengan judul traffic jam in big cities, kemu- dian meminta siswa menebak informasi yang akan dijumpai dalam teks.
3. Mendistribusikan teks dan meminta siswa  mengecek apakah predik- si mereka tersebut benar.
1. Menjawab pertanyaan guru sesuai dengan persepsi dan pengalaman masing-masing.

2. Menuliskan beberapa informasi yang diharapkan muncul dalam topik traffic jam in big cities.

3. membaca teks secara cepat dan mengecek kebenaran dugaan mereka tentang isi teks.
Elaborasi1. Meminta kelas mem- bentuk beberapa kelom pok kecil (3 sampai 5 orang), lalu mendistri- busikan lembaran tugas yang terkait dengan pemahaman isi bacaan.
2. Meminta masing-ma- sing kelompok mendis- kusikan tugas-tugas yang telah diterimanya.

3. Meminta masing-ma- sing kelompok melapor- kan hasil diskusinya.
4. Meminta kelompok lain  memberi tanggapan (pertanyaan, sanggahan, saran, dll) atas presentasi tersebut (butir 3).
5. Meminta kelompok penyaji memberi tang- gapan balik dari kelom- pok lain.
1. Kelas membentuk kelom- pok-kelompok kecil yang beranggotakan 3 sampai 5 orang.

2. Masing-masing kelompok mendiskusikan  tugas (tasks),  yang meliputi sejumlah pertanyaan yang terkait dengan indikator kompetensi membaca (tasks 1 – 4).
3. Setelah diskusi kelompok selesai, masing2 kelompok mempresentasikan hasilnya.
4. Kelompok lain memberi tanggapan terhadap presentasi suatu kelompok.

5. Kelompok penyaji mem- beri tanggapan balik kepada para penanggap.
Konfirmasi1. Memberikan penilaian terhadap hasil diskusi kelompok dan diskusi kelas.
2. Memberi penjelasan lebih lanjut kepada para siswa berkenaan dengan jawaban siswa, seperti bagaimana menemukanmain idea suatu teks, menentukan referensi, dan menjelaskan makna ungkapan dalam teks.
1. Menyimak penilaian guru atas kinerja mereka, dan memberikan tanggapan seper- lunya.
2. Memperhatikan penjelasan guru, dan memberikan tang- gapan bila dianggap perlu.

1. Meringkas pelajaran
2. Melakukan refleksi
3. Menyiapkan pelajaran yang akan datang
4. Memberi salam penutup

VII. Media Pembelajran
  1. LCD projector, screen, dan laptop
  2. Gambar kemacetan lalu lintas di kota besar
  3. Video singkat tentang kemacetan lalu lintas di kota besar

VIII. Sumber Belajar
1. Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia No. 41 Tahun 2007 tentang Standar Proses.
2. Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia No. 22 Tahun 2006 tentang Standar Isi.
3. Sudarwati, Th., M. dan Grace, Eudia. 2005. Look AheadAn English Course. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga.

IX. Penilaian
  1. Jenis Penilaian        : sumatif
  2. Teknik Penilaian     : tertulis, objektif, pilihan ganda
  3. Alat penilaian         : terlampir (lampiran 2)
  4. Kunci jawawan       : terlampir (lampiran 2)
    1. Rubrik Penilaian     : setiap butir soal memiliki bobot 1; dengan demikian, nilai siswa sama dengan jumlah jawaban benar (skala 0 – 10).

Surakarta, 11 Agustus 2011
Kepala Sekolah,                                                                      Guru Mata Pelajaran,

_______________________                                                              ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­____________________
NIP.                                                                                                    NIP.

LAMPIRAN 1: Materi Pembelajaran
Task 1
Read the text below, then answer the questions that follow.

(1) In most big cities in the world, traffic has become a serious problem. (2) Traffic jam takes place, especially in rush hours. (3) There are simply too many cars. (4) This brings about some unexpected effects.
(5) Traffic in Hongkong can be so bad that a vehicle moves along at only 10 KPH, slower than bicycle speed. (6) In Manila, traffic often stops completely. (7) This generates so much exhaust that Manila is now one of the world’s most polluted cities. (8) In Bangkok, children get up at 4 or 5 AM to make it to school by 9:00. (9) They have breakfast in the car or bus.
(10) The number of cars in the world doubled between 1970 and 1990. (11) Currently, there are around 600 million vehicles on roads designed for half that many. (12) The number of cars is expected to double again over the next 20 – 40 years. (13) More roads are being built, but there is no way there can ever be enough roads to handle all these cars.
(14) The wasted fuel from the vehicles causes pollution. (15) The pollution destroys the environment in a number of ways. (16) It also affects personal health. (17) More and more people in large cities suffer from asthma and other breathing disorders than ever before. (18) It is not only humans who suffer. (19) A recent study in Britain repots that birds are losing their hearing because of the traffic noise; as a result, they are unable to sing properly.
(20) No one argues that traffic has become a big problem. (21) We need to find a solution to the world’s traffic jams; otherwise, we will still suffer from diseases.

  1. What is the text about?
  2. What is the purpose of the text?
  3. Why do traffic jams take place in big cities?
  4. What is the effect of traffic jams in big cities?
  5. What is the best way to solve traffic jams in big cities?

Task 2
What do the following pronouns refer to in the text?
1. this (sentence 4)             : _________________________________________________
2. it (sentence 16)               : _________________________________________________
3. they (sentence 19)          : _________________________________________________

Task 3
Match the words in column A (taken from the text) and their meanings in column B. Each word in column B is used only once.
1. rush (sentence 2)
2. bring about (sentence 4)
3. currently (sentence 11)
4. study (senteence 19)
5. argue (sentence 20)
a. cause
b. recently
c. investigation
d. hard
e. deny
f. busy
g. properly

Task 4
Read the text once again more intensively, then examine how the text is developed and organized.
  1. How many paragraphs are there in the text?
  2. What is the main idea of paragraphs 2, 3, and 4?
  3. What is the function of the first paragraph?
  4. What is the function of the last paragraph?
  5. Can you draw a diagram showing the relationship among the paragraphs in the text?

*) Catatan bagi instruktur:
1. Mohon disampaikan kepada para peserta PLPG bahwa  materi ajar (yang terdapat dalam lampiran RPP) seharusnya juga berisi penjelasan singkat tentang teori membaca yang meliputi antara lain cara menemukan main idea dalam suatu teks atau paragraf, cara menentukan reference, dan cara menjelaskan makna ungkapan dalam teks.
2. RPP dalam contoh ini belum memuat penjelasan-penjelasan teoretis sebagaimana dimaksud.

LAMPIRAN 2: Alat Penilaian
Directions: Read the following texts, then answer the questions about them by choosing A, B, C, or D that best answers each question or completes each sentence.
Text 1 (Questions 1 – 6)
I think the Canterbury Council should construct more activity centers in most local areas.  There are some reasons for this.t
Firstly, during the school holidays, many children who don’t have much on their minds can attend their local activity centers. It will keep them busy and they can also learn to do lots of different things. Another reason is children can encourage others to attend the local activity centers. Children will not get bored because they can have lots of fun. Finally, it might stop children from vandalizing properties that don’t belong to them because they can go to the activity centers, have fun, and enjoy themselves.
These are the main reasons why I think we should have more activity centers. It will be educational and a very good experience for lots of children.

1. What is the text about?
A.   The importance of constructing more activity centers
B.    The need for making children busy and have fun
C.    A way of preventing children from getting bored
D.   The reasons for having educational experience
2. It can be inferred from the text that ….
A.   Canterbury Council has constructed many activity centers
B.    There are only few activity centers in most local areas
C.    Activity centers tend to make children hang around
D.   The construction of more activity centers is useless
3. How does the writer feel if more activity centers are constructed in most local areas?
A.   excited
B.    interested
C.    disappointed
D.   encouraged
4. The word “this” (sentence 2 paragraph 1) refers to ….
A.   Canterbury Council’s proposal to construct activity center
B.    Keeping children busy and have fun in the holidays
C.    The construction of more local activity centers
D.   Learning how to do certain things
5. The word “encourage” (sentence 3 paragraph 2) can be best replaced by the word …
A. explain
B. motivate
C. describe
D. prevent

Text 2 (question 6 – 10)
Solar energy has many uses. In many parts of the world, people are building solar houses with large numbers of windows to collect the heat of the sun. Solar collectors can make hot water from sun light. The rays of the sun heat water in a solar collector, and the hot water goes into storage tank. People can use the hot water for washing or for heating their houses. In the future, people may use the rays of the sun to make electricity for their homes. They will use photovoltaic cells to make electricity from sun light.
The sun is an important “new” source of energy. It is less expensive than oil or nuclear energy. Furthermore, it does not cause pollution and it is not as dangerous as nuclear power. Many people think that solar energy will be the answer to our future energy problems.

6. What is the best title for the text?
A. Energy Problems
B. Solar Houses
C. Sources of Power
D. Solar Energy
7.  The purpose of the text is …
A. to describe what solar energy is
B. to inform the writer’s view about the use of solar energy
C. to explain the procedure for developing solar energy
D. to persuade readers to make use of solar energy

8. What is called the new source of energy?
  1. the light
  2. the sun
  3. the oil
  4. the nucleus
9. What can a solar collector do?
  1. answering our future energy problems
  2. making electricity from sunlight
  3. using hot water for washing
  4. making hot water from sunlight
10.What problems may solar energy solve?
  1. Water storages
  2. Future energy problems
  3. Storage problems
  4. Oil or nuclear energy